2019 Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council General Meeting.

The Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council General Meeting for 2019 was held on 26 April 2019.

Date and time of the meeting Friday, 26 April 2019 16:00-16:45
Place University of Tokyo Kashiwanoha Campus Station Satellite
108 Multipurpose hall
Attendance Number of members present: 37 (18 Executive Committee members, 19 ordinary members (including 10 proxy forms))
Agenda Proposal 1: Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council business report for fiscal year 2008
Proposal 2: Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council business plan for fiscal year 1991 (draft)
Proposal 3: Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council’s financial report for fiscal year 2008
Proposal 4: Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council budget plan for FY 1991 (draft)
Special lectures Automatic Driving Research Initiatives at the Chiba Experimental Station
Kimihiko Nakano, Deputy Director, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

General meeting (1)

General meeting (2)

Explanation of business plan (1)

Explanation of business plan (2)

Explanation of business plan (3)

Special lecture