
Article 1 (Name)
The name of this organization shall be “Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council”.
Article 2 (Purpose)
The purpose of the Council is to promote various research and development activities to realize a “low-carbon transportation city” and “next-generation environmental city” in Kashiwa City by utilizing Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), and to contribute to the commercialization and practical application of these activities.
Article 3 (Business Activities)
  1. Promotion of surveys, research and development related to the promotion of ITS
  2. Support various initiatives for the commercialization of ITS
  3. Dissemination of information and public relations activities related to the promotion of ITS
  4. Other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the Society.
Article 4 (Membership)
The Society shall consist of the following members who agree with the objectives of Article 2, have submitted the prescribed application form, and have been approved for membership by the Executive Committee as specified in Article 12, Clause 1.
  1. General Members shall be corporations, organizations, or individuals who have been approved by the Executive Committee.
  2. Executive Committee members shall be corporations, organizations, or individuals who are self-nominated and elected from among the general members.
Article 5 (Resignation of Members)
  1. Any member of the Society may voluntarily withdraw from membership at any time with prior notice.
  2. In addition to the preceding paragraph, in the following cases, the Society may withdraw a member whose withdrawal has been determined by the Board of Secretaries as specified in Article 12, Section 2.
    1. The member fails to pay the membership fee and other contributions as stipulated by the Society within the prescribed period.
    2. When the Executive Committee reasonably determines that the member has committed an act unbecoming to the purpose of the Society, and when two-thirds or more of the Executive Committee members agree to the member’s resignation from the Society.
Article 6 (President and Auditor)
  1. The Society shall have a President, who shall be elected by the members at the General Assembly.
  2. The President shall represent the Society and preside over the affairs of the Society.
  3. The Society shall have a few Accounting Auditors, who shall be elected by the members at the General Assembly.
  4. The accounting auditors shall audit the accounts of the Society.
  5. The term of office of the President and the Treasurer and Auditors shall be two (2) years. However, reappointment is not precluded.
Article 7 (General Assembly)
The General Assembly shall be the supreme decision-making body of the SPRUC.
Article 8 (Holding and Convening of the General Assembly)
  1. In principle, the General Assembly shall be held once a year. However, the General Assembly shall be convened promptly by a resolution of the Board of Secretaries or upon the request of one-third or more of the current number of general members.
  2. The General Assembly shall be convened by the President, who shall act as chairman.
Article 9 (Formation of the General Assembly)
The General Assembly shall be convened by a majority of the members present.
Article 10 (Voting at the General Assembly)
  1. The agenda of the General Assembly shall be decided by a majority of the members present at the meeting, and in the event of a tie, the chairperson shall decide.
  2. Members who are unable to attend the General Assembly may delegate their votes. In this case, the submitted letter of proxy shall be deemed as attendance for the purpose of application of the preceding article and the preceding paragraph.
  3. The General Assembly shall vote on the following matters
    1. Election of the Chairman and the Treasurer and Auditor
    2. Revision of the Articles of Incorporation
    3. Business plans and reports
    4. Budget and settlement of accounts
    5. Decision on dissolution of the Society
    6. Other important matters related to the management of the Society
  4. Minutes of all general meetings are kept by the secretariat and reported to all members.
Article 11 (Executive Committee)
  1. The Society shall have a Board of Secretaries.
  2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair and the Secretaries.
  3. The Chair of the Board of Secretaries shall be the President.
  4. In the event that the Chairperson is unable to attend a Board of Secretaries Meeting, the Chairperson shall be a person appointed by the Chairperson.
Article 12 (Duties of the Executive Committee)
The Executive Committee shall deliberate and decide on the following matters
  1. Approval of admission of new members
  2. Resignation of members
  3. Specific matters necessary to implement the resolutions of the General Assembly
  4. Proposed business plans and business reports for each fiscal year
  5. Budget and settlement of accounts for each fiscal year
  6. Establishment of subcommittees
  7. Organization of events, symposiums, etc.
  8. Matters that the President deems urgent for the management of the Society
  9. Other matters deemed necessary by the Chairman in connection with the business of the Society
Article 13 (Operation of the Board of Secretaries)
The Board of Secretaries Meeting shall be convened and operated by the Chairperson of the Board of Secretaries Meeting.
Article 14 (Establishment and Composition of Subcommittees, etc.)
  1. The Executive Committee may establish subcommittees as necessary for the smooth promotion of the business of the SPRUC.
  2. Each subcommittee shall have a chairperson. The Chairperson shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the Executive Committee after deliberation by the Executive Committee from among the members, and shall manage the subcommittees.
  3. The composition and operation of the Subcommittees shall be determined by the Chairperson.
Article 15 (Membership Fees)
  1. Membership fees shall be collected from members to cover expenses necessary for the operation of the SPRUC.
  2. Membership fees, etc. shall be determined separately.
Article 16 (Secretariat)
  1. A secretariat shall be established to handle the affairs of the SPRUC.
  2. The President shall supervise the Secretariat.
Article 17 (Fiscal Year)
The fiscal year shall begin on April 1 of each year and end on March 31 of the following year.
Article 18 (Others)
In addition to the provisions of these Rules, matters necessary for the operation of the SPRUC shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
Supplementary Provisions
These Rules and Regulations shall come into effect as of April 27, 2008.

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