Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council General Meeting 2021.

The Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council General Meeting for 2021 was held on 27 April 2021.

Date and time of the meeting Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Place Large Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Research and Experimental Building I, Large-Scale Experiments and Advanced Analysis Promotion Infrastructure, Kashiwa Campus, The University of Tokyo (in combination with the online format)
Attendance 30 in attendance (13 at the meeting, 17 online), 10 by proxy
Agenda Proposal 1: Election of the chairperson of the Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council (draft)
Proposal 2: Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council Business Report for FY 2020
Proposal 3: Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council business plan for FY2021 (draft)
Proposal 4: Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council FY2020 income and expenditure account settlement report
Proposal 5: Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council FY2021 budget plan (draft)
Events The Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council participated in the monitoring survey (test-ride of small mobility vehicles) of the Kanto Liaison Conference on Micro and Small Mobility (hosted by the Kanto District Transport Bureau).
The Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council also participated.